Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weddings, and my new goal

The past couple weeks have been great. It seems like almost every weekend we have a wedding reception to go to. A couple weeks ago 2 of my cousins got married, a day apart from eachother. It was really fun to have so much family together, and to get to catch up with everyone. Yesterday was fun, we went down to Salt Lake and spent the day shopping and we got to see my mom, then that night we went to Steph Call's wedding. Her wedding was at the Market Street Grill and it was so good! It's been a lot of fun to see so many weddings lately, I keep thinking back to our wedding day and how wonderful it was, and what a great man I married. This week at work we started our Active For Life program, and so far I think I am doing really well. One of our goals is to walk 10,000 steps a day which is about 5-6 miles a day. I wear a pedometer everywhere now :) So far I have been keeping up with it, which is hard sometimes when it's 8 PM and you still have 3000 steps or so to go. So I just go outside and walk around our horseshoe over and over until I hit my 10,000 step mark. Tony just laughs at me and says "you don't really have to get 10,000, it's ok if you don't make it every day", but I am determined to stick to my goal because I really want to get back in shape. I figured out that it is about 3800 steps to work so if I walk there and back everyday that will almost complete my daily steps. My legs are really sore, but in a good way!! I am really excited for this program because it is really helping motivate me, plus I have really good support since everyone at my work is striving for the same thing.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good job Ali!
That's a great will do it! xoxoxo